What if I told you there is a preventable, but often undetected virus causing the most common cause of permanent hearing loss… and you probably aren’t aware of it?
That virus is Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and it impacts over 40,000 adolescents in the US each year. The virus can be passed down in the womb, but is most commonly transmitted in the first 48 months of a child’s life. Awareness of CMV is critical.
Join Nemours’ Physicians Cedric Pritchett, Claudia Taboada, & Ken Alexander for a panel discussion on this preventable, yet often undetected, virus. We will also hear first-hand experience from a mother whose child was diagnosed with CMV.
Please join us for the Nemours Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Awareness Panel Discussion:
When: Monday, November 16 from 12:00-1:00pm streamed on YouTube
To help raise awareness of CMV, please feel free to share the attached invitation with your community: