Find Out Exactly What’s Working at Medical Practices Just Like Yours

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Name: Find Out Exactly What’s Working at Medical Practices Just Like Yours
Date: May 14, 2020
Time: 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM EDT
Event Description:

Find Out Exactly What’s Working at Medical Practices Just Like Yours


During this 1-hour webinar, you’ll learn exactly what other medical practices are doing to address patient-readiness, promote new services like telemedicine, and keep doctors top-of-mind as we navigate our way into the ‘new normal’ of medical practice marketing.

Expect to walk away with:

  • Actionable and proven tactics to give your medical practice an immediate boost online
  • Exactly what you should be doing to prepare patients for their next appointment post-Covid-19

  • Current examples of content that’s getting record engagement on social media

  • How other physicians and medical practices are making the most out of their business interruptions and what you can do to also make it work for you


    This week's webinar is presented by Jennifer Thompson

    Jennifer Thompson is the founder and President at Insight Marketing Group and Insight Training Solutions. She founded the medical marketing company in 2006 after an unsuccessful run for political office (which she went on to win in 2010 & 2014).

    Jennifer has two decades of experience in marketing in the areas of technology, retail and medical for small businesses and Fortune 100 companies. She is co-host of the weekly podcast show, DrMarketingTips


Online webinar
Date/Time Information:

Thursday, May 14 | 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.

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