Real Estate Breakfast "Protecting Your Assets" in Real Estate panel
Jason McMillan, ILO, MEP, NEMAA ,the Training and Exercise Coordinator with the Office of Emergency Management and Orange County Fire Rescue Department will lead the discussion with our panel of experts including:
Jairo Batista, Consultant & Marketing Manager
Florida SBDC at UCF
Brian Beard, Public Affairs Specialist
Small Business Administration
Bob Filichia
Filichia Insurance Agency, Inc.
Deborah Parker
Jason McMillan, ILO, MEP, NEMAA
Jason is a United States Navy veteran and former firefighter who currently serves as the Training and Exercise Coordinator for the Orange County Office of Emergency Management, a position he has held since August of 2021.
Prior to moving back home to Florida in 2021, Jason served as the Operations Coordinator and Emergency Operations Center Manager for the Kitsap County Department of Emergency Management in Kitsap County, Washington from 2008 until 2018. In 2018, he became the Emergency Manager for the City of Shoreline in King County, Washington and held that post until he accepted the position with Orange County.
Mr. McMillan has participated in many response and recovery efforts beginning with his first disaster response role while in the US Navy during Hurricane Hugo in 1989, for which he earned the Humanitarian Service Medal.
Throughout his Emergency Management career he has been responsible for managing several Emergency Management programs including the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program, Auxiliary Communications System (ACS) program and Severe Weather Shelter program. Jason is proud to have completed the FEMA Master Exercise Practitioner Program (MEP) and the National Emergency Management Advanced Academy (NEMAA).
ro Batista, MBA
Jairo Batista is the Marketing Manager and a Business Consultant at the Florida SBDC at UCF.
As a Business Consultant, he assists business owners in the areas of Marketing, Digital Marketing, Access to Capital and Technology. He has helped hundreds of business owners strengthen their digital marketing efforts and gain millions in loan funds.
As the Marketing Manager, he is responsible for key marketing communications and promotions activities, including maintaining the Florida SBDC at UCF website, along with developing marketing collateral and executing marketing tactics to promote the Florida SBDC at UCF and its many services and programs.
Jairo has a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration with a Marketing concentration from Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University and a Master’s in Business Administration from the University of Central Florida.
Brian Beard, Public Affairs Specialist, Small Business Administration
Brian Beard is a Public Affairs Specialist for the Small Business Administration (SBA) Office of Disaster Recovery & Resilience.
He started working with the SBA in 2017 by spending 6 months in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria, and has worked in several states since then, including spending the last six months in Florida providing outreach to homeowners, renters, businesses and non-profit organizations who were affected by Hurricanes Ian and Nicole, and by the flooding in Broward County.
Prior to the SBA, Brian worked in the field of microfinance development, and offered training, technical assistance and impact assessments to non-profit organizations providing small loans to poor entrepreneurs in Latin America, Africa and Asia.
Bob Filichia
Meet Robert (Bob) Filichia from Filichia Insurance Agency: A second-generation, family-owned business, he has worked tirelessly to establish, maintain, and accelerate a reputation in Orlando, throughout the Central Florida area as the agency you can consistently rely on for the years to come.
Robert (Bob) Filichia, was raised in an insurance family and later employed by State Farm Insurance Company as an adjuster. He is a veteran of the United States Navy serving on board the USS Seattle AOE-3 in the Eastern Atlantic, and the Mediterranean Sea, As a graduate of Broward Community College in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Bob spent ten years in law enforcement before moving to Central Eastern Florida with his family. He learned the value of teamwork and caring for others which he has implemented into his life business plan.
Deborah Parker, FEMA
Deborah Parker joined FEMA over a decade ago and she is enthusiastic about helping to increase educational awareness for local, state, federal, tribal, and community stakeholders throughout the State of Florida. Deborah leads a talented team of subject matter insurance experts that are currently supporting several survivor awareness events.
They provide technical and disaster-specific guidance in an effort to increase awareness, understanding, and enhances flood insurance knowledge in conjunction with the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). They thrived on conducting local training, presentations & webinars, outreach opportunities, and participation in community speaking events. FEMA takes extraordinary measures in protecting our survivors with our multi-cultural organization by ensuring fairness, compassion, integrity, and respect at all levels.
Our mission is “Helping people before, during, and after disasters.” Prior to joining FEMA, Deborah worked decades in the Insurance industry as a Licensed All-Lines & Multi-Peril Insurance Claims Adjuster with the responsibilities of investigating, mediating, estimating, inspecting, and litigating claims. Deborah Parker is the recipient of two distinguished national FEMA Administrator’s Awards. One in 2015 for “Contribution in Development of the Office of Flood Insurance Advocate” and in 2016, for “Louisiana Customer-Centric Claims Payout