Virtual On the Menu: "Getting in Front of Future Clients & Maximizing Your Efforts"
Featuring Robert Hynes with RPH Strategies

Even during these trying times of uncertainty, business is still being conducted, and people are buying!
Robert Hynes with
RPH Strategies is going to share some insight on how even during these times you CAN HAVE effective prospecting. In addition, he’ll explain what’s really going on inside your prospect’s head during the various phases of the sales cycle. Robert will also introduce ways on how to keep your own mind clear, and focused on the task at hand, delivering your product. Don’t let your competition catch you sleeping, thinking the world is shut down! Click the link below to register!
On the Menu is an Educational Series is provided by the East Orlando Chamber of Commerce and Presented by AdventHealth
"On the Menu" is a quarterly workshop conducted by local business expert, featuring a wide variety of topics that are helpful for anyone involved with a business, from owner, managers, to entry-level employees.