East Orange Community Center: Night of Networking

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Name: East Orange Community Center: Night of Networking
Date: September 28, 2018
Time: 5:15 PM - 7:15 PM EDT
Event Description:

Many of us are aware that opposites attract like FIRE and ICE! Men and Women, at times seem like FIRE AND ICE, in what they want and how they express those desire. But what do you get when you combine FIRE and ICE? STEAM! And as you know, steam can be a powerful creator of energy if used right. On Friday, September 29, 2018, Willie and Gigi Santiago, relationship coaches, will explore how to take our differences (the steam) and use them for the good of our relationships (positive energy). Join us at the East Orange Community Center's Networking event, as Willie and Gigi share skills to enhance any relationship. Bring your honey and see how your steam can be harnessed to good energy! Willie and Gigi work with couples, helping them see the importance of maintaining healthy boundaries and communication to grow as a couple and share that example of healthy relationship with their children.

East Orange Community Center
12050 E. Colonial Drive
Orlando, FL 32826
Date/Time Information:
Friday Sept 28, 2018
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